Simulation Environment#

The simulation environment is implemented in Rust with a Python API to allow Python implemented agents to interact with the simulated EVM. It also has functionality to update the state of the simulation, and track logs generated during execution.

Simulation environments are also parametrised by a validator that decides how transactions are ordered for processing in each simulated block/step. Currently two methods are supported:

  • Randomly shuffle transactions

  • Order transactions by nonce an gas-priority fee, each step

    • Transactions are grouped by sender address

    • Each group is individually sorted by nonce

    • Groups are sorted by the priority fee of the first transaction

    • The groups are flattened into a single queue of transactions


The EVM state of the simulation environment is stored as local in memory data structures. This in-memory database can be initialised in several ways dependent on the use case:

Empty Database#

In this case the DB contains no data and so the simulation should manually deploy contracts and protocols. This is generally ok for small tests and protocols, but can be labour intensive for larger protocols.

The simulation environment is then just initialised with a random seed

# Using random transaction sorting
env = verbs.envs.EmptyEnvRandom(1234)
# Using gas-priority transaction ordering
env = verbs.envs.EmptyEnvGasPriority(1234)

Remote fork#

In this case the DB can request data not present in a local database from a remote endpoint (e.g. alchemy). For example if the EVM requires the bytecode and storage values of a contract to execute a transaction in the simulation, and they are not available locally, it will attempt to retrieve data from the remote endpoint. This means you can run simulations against actual deployed protocols, but this comes at a performance cost, given the need to retrieve data (possibly over the internet). For complex protocols this may mean a large number of requests are required to load sub-contracts and their data.

The environment is initialised with a endpoint url, random seed and block number, for example:

# Using random transaction sorting
env = verbs.envs.ForkEnvRandom(url, 1234, block_number=1000)
# Using gas-priority transaction ordering
env = verbs.envs.ForkEnvGasPriority(url, 1234, block_number=1000)

will create an environment with a fork backend, with random seed 1234, from block number 1000.


This simulation environment is significantly slower than a purely in memory db!


The environment DB state can be initialised from a snapshot of the state from a previous simulation. This can either be used to start a simulation from a warm-start or to continue a previous simulation. Note that this snapshot contains the full state of the EVM including the states of any agents in the simulation.

A snapshot can be created from a environment, and then directly used to initialise an verbs.envs.EmptyEnv

env = verbs.envs.ForkEnvRandom(url, 1234, block_number=1000)
# Initialise & run a simulation
snapshot = env.export_snapshot()
# Use this snapshot to initialise a new environment
new_env = verbs.envs.EmptyEnvRandom(1234, snapshot=snapshot)


The overcome the performance drawbacks of the simulation, the values requested during a simulation can be stored, and then used to initialise values in a purely local database. This should mean that any values that were requested (e.g. contracts and their storage values) should be present, but not data manually deployed (e.g. agent accounts or manually deployed contracts).

This can be used to generate required data from an initially slow simulation, but then subsequent simulations using the cache can be run without the performance penalty.

This can be initialised by first creating a verbs.envs.ForkEnv and then creating a cache that can be used to directly initialise a verbs.envs.EmptyEnv, for example

env = verbs.envs.ForkEnvRandom(url, 1234, block_number=1000)
# Initialise & run a simulation
# Export the cached requests
cache = env.export_cache()
# Use this cache to initialise a new environment
faster_env = verbs.envs.EmptyEnvRandom(1234, cache=cache)


This assumes that the initial simulation will request all the data required for subsequent simulations, i.e. that subsequent simulations call the same contracts/functions as the initial simulation. Missing data will lead to the simulation crashing or unexpected behaviour.


Both classes provide a common interface to allow Python to interact with and retrieve data from the Rust environment.

  • Deploy contracts and user accounts

  • Directly call end execute contract functions

  • Submit transactions to be processed in the next block

  • Process the next simulated block

  • Retrieve logs/events generated in the last block and over the course of the simulation


for full details of the API.