Basic Simulation#

Here we will work through a simple Example where agents randomly exchange an ERC20 token between themselves


We’ll start by importing Verbs and Numpy (which we use for random number generation)

import numpy as np
import verbs

Agent Definition#

The agents in this simulation simply pick another agent in the simulation at random, and send them tokens if they have them available.

We initialise the agent with

  • Its own address (converted from an integer)

  • The address of the token

  • The token abi class

  • The number of the agents in the sim


Addresses are stored as a bytes object.

class Agent:
    def __init__(
        i: int,
        token_contract: bytes,
        n_agents: int,
        self.address = verbs.utils.int_to_address(i)
        self.token_contract = token_contract
        self.abi = abi
        self.n_agents = n_agents
        self.balance = 0

agents should implement verbs.sim.BaseAgent.update() and verbs.sim.BaseAgent.record() methods.

The update method is called for each agent at the start of each step. In this example the agent performs 2 steps

  • Get their current token balance via a call to the EVM.

  • If their balance is greater than zero then they transfer tokens to a randomly selected agent.

The update method returns a list of calls to process as part of the next block, in this case returning a token transfer transaction.


Agents should not directly update the EVM inside the update function (though they can call the EVM to get data on state). The state of the EVM is updated when all calls submitted by agents are processed in the next block.

This looks like:

    def update(
        rng: np.random.Generator,
        self.balance =
            network, self.address, self.token_contract, [self.address]

        if self.balance > 0:
            receiver = rng.choice(self.n_agents) + 100
            receiver = verbs.utils.int_to_address(receiver)
            amount = min(self.balance, 100_000)
            send_transaction = self.abi.transfer.transaction(
                self.address, self.token_contract, [receiver, amount]

        return [send_transaction]

        return []

The record method of this agent simply returns the current token balance of the agent. The results from the record method are collected across the agents at each step.

    def record(self, env):
        return self.balance


An agent does not necessarily have to represent a single entity in a simulation, but could also represent a group of agents of the same type. In this case the agent can submit multiple calls from its update function from the set of agents it represents.

Initialise Simulation#

We first initialise the simulation environment, and deploy the token contract (the token ABI and bytecode have been omitted for brevity)

env = verbs.EmptyEnvRandom(1234)

erc20_abi = verbs.abi.get_abi("ERC20", ERC20_ABI)

admin = verbs.utils.int_to_address(99999999)
env.create_account(admin, int(1e19))

erc20_address = erc20_abi.constructor.deploy(env, admin, ERC20_BYTECODE, [int(1e19)])

The constructor verbs.EmptyEnv initialises an empty EVM with the seed 1234. We also create an admin account that will deploy the contract. The token is initialise with an initial allotment of 1e19 wei (minted to the admin address).

Initialise Agents#

We initialise a set of agents with the token address and token ABI

agents = [
     Agent(i + 100, erc20_address, erc20_abi, N_AGENTS) for i in range(N_AGENTS)

     [agents[0].address, int(1e19)],

at this point we also directly execute a transaction which transfers the newly minted tokens from the admin agent to the first agent in the set.

Run the Simulation#

The environment and agents are wrapped in a verbs.sim.Sim

runner = verbs.sim.Sim(101, env, agents)

and then we can run the simulation

results =
results = np.array(results)

The sim runner returns a list of records for each agent at every step of the simulation. In this case we can readily convert this into a Numpy array representing a time-series of the balances of each agent over the course of the simulation.